FFHA's fall meeting will be held on Tuesday, November, 17, 2020 at 6:30 pm in Helsinki at Pakilan yläaste (Pakilantie 67 / Pilkekuja 10). The guidelines of the Finnish institute for health and welfare and the Ministry of Education and Culture on safety distances and hygiene practices will be followed at the event. We recommend using a face mask.
The meeting is physically attended and will be held in Finnish. A separate invitation will be sent before the meeting. You must register for the meeting in advance no later than Thursday November, 12 by e-mail to info(at)sukuhistoria.fi
Meeting-related material will be added to member pages prior to the meeting (in Finnish): https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut_eng/jasenille/jasenille.htm
FFHA’s executive committee
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